Your first step to getting your new product begins with a free consultation. A representative from Fenco Food Engineering LP will be in touch with you within 24 hours to provide you for any detail of requested information.

Complete processing lines, as follows:
Tomato processing lines to produce: tomato paste; whole peeled tomatoes; diced tomatoes and pulp; passata and tomato sauces; ketchup; drinkable tomato juice.
Fruit processing lines to produce: fruit puree; clear juice; cloudy juice; jam; fruit candies. (photos)
Vegetables processing lines to produce: carrot puree; peas; chips and french fries; easycubes; dried products.
Twist solutions for products above: hot and warm filling equipment; holding and cooling machinery; cookers; pasteurizers; sterilizers; chillers; coolers.
Dairy plants: pasteurizers; cheese, butter, cream, yogurt, kefir, powder milk, whey production equipment and machinery.
Itemized pieces of machinery, such as:
Vacuum filters, plate filters, Kieserguhl filters, ultra-filtration units vacuum pumps, mono pumps, double stage pumps, belt press units, hydraulic press units, aseptic filling units (one or dual head), packaging machinery labeling units, etc.
Spare parts: valves, bends, tubes, supports (all in stainless steel); rubber inserts, oil-rings, bearings and so on.
Second hand equipment and machinery: in wide range and assortment.

Your first step to getting your new product begins with a free consultation. A representative from Fenco Food Engineering LP will be in touch with you within 24 hours to provide you for any detail of requested information.
Section for preparation jars and dosage spices

Section for washing, sorting and blanching cucumbers
2. Universal blower
1. Depalletizer for jars
3. Telescopic spice dozer
4. Swing for bins
5. Washing tray
7. Steam blancher machine
6. Sorting table with elevator

Section for filling, dosage brine, closing, pasteurization, cooling, drying, labeling and palletization
8. Vibrating linear filler
9. Motor-driven filling
table with 2 conveyors
11. Automatic linear capper
with magnetic feeder
10. Linear gravity dosen
machine for brine
12. Tunnel for washing jars
13. Pasteurizer and cooler
14. Accumulation table
15. Drying tunnel with air
16. Hot melt labeling machine
17. Jars palletizing machine
18. Wrap around unit
19. View of the finished product

Most wanted

“EASYCUBE” machine portions the following:
pre-frozen liquid/dense or semidense products with solid parts in suspension;
pre-frozen products in pieces per “veg-burghers”;
pre-cooked rice or pasta with sauces or vegetables;
minced meet mixed with vegetables;

Fenco cold extraction group model PR411 is designed to process fruit and vegetables purée and other products. Provides the best quality of the final product and excellent refining performance.

Peach puree

17, Генератор пара высокого давления
16, Автоматическая этикетировочная машина
15, Туннель для сушки бутылок
By pump the product is being sent to a deaerator where thanks the vacuum effect the air is sucked away while the surface condenser provides to recover the aromas down into the product.
From the deaerator a volumetric pump (mono or lobes) feeds the homogenizer (which can reach 200 bar pressure) . The homogenizer pumps the ketchup through a tube in tube pasteurizer in order to heat it up to 100-105°C (depending upon Ph and recipe of the product) and cool it down at 80-85°C. At this temperature the product is fed to the filler tank and then into the final containers. In case the set heating temperature is not reached inside the pasteurizer the product will be by-passed back into the pasteurizer product tank.
Filling normally takes place into plastic or glass containers. The glass containers are the most common ones. The only precaution to be taken during hot filling into glass containers is that a preheating step has to be carried out carefully as to avoid thermal shock of the container itself thus potential damages.
In case of non glass containers: two kinds of plastic containers are normally available for tomato ketchup: (a) mono layer polyester containers, cheaper, but cannot accept filling temperatures higher than 75°C; (b) multi layer polyester/polypropylene containers, more expensive, but performing better filling temperature up to 95°C and providing better oxygen barrier particularly if mould with an intermediate layer of EVAL.
Ketchup process description
In case of containers (a) i.e. mono layer polyester, is not possible to pasteurize the container thus chemical preservatives shall be added to the product in order to have reasonable long shelf live. In any case, being such type of container permeable to oxygen the product gets a color degradation very rapidly thus at the end the product’s shelf live is reduced at 5 – 6 months only.
In case of containers (b) i.e. multi layer polyester / polypropylene, it is possible to hot fill the product at 90°C while the better oxygen barrier provided by such types of containers allows a shelf life up to 18 months without adding any preservative. Furthermore, whenever production volume exceed 5 millions pieces it will be very convenient to manufacture such plastic bottles at the plant itself directly from the polypropylene granulate. Equipment for production of plastic bottles is not really very expensive.

Normally tomato ketchup is being produced from existing tomato paste during the off season, rarely is produced on-line from fresh tomatoes.
The ketchup ingredients are: tomato paste + sugar syrup at 70°Brix + salt in a diluted form + vinegar (which could be grape or apple vinegar) + minor ingredients such as starch, aromas + Ph correctors. All these ingredients shall be based on a specific recipe and are put together in the proper percentage into a mixer-preheater to have the first cooking step. The sauce is then pumped to a twin under vacuum cooker for the final cooking at 65-70°C . The product is discharged into an insulated holding tank ready for the next step of the process.

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16, Автоматическая этикетировочная машина
15, Туннель для сушки бутылок
Pomegranate is one of the toughest fruit to work with if it concerns processing. Wrong approach in the applied technology can lead to the product contamination with tannic elements and ruin its quality. FENCO depodder hands down one of the most appropriate machine on the market. Special design facilitates its use while changing working parameters for an optimized operation of the machine. The efficiency rate at the output is 95%, with almost no remnants of peel and tissue.
Pomegranate depodder

17, Генератор пара высокого давления
16, Автоматическая этикетировочная машина
15, Туннель для сушки бутылок
Processing line for “syrup” deareation, sterilization and aseptic cooling is suitable for the treatment of large volumes of product to be sterilized and conveyed to filling machine. The line consists of:
Plate pre-heater provides for superheated water to heat the product up to 65 – 70°C before the deareation phase.
Vacuum deareator that removes air contained in the product.
homogenization of fruit pulp, tissue and juice.
All the material in contact with the product is in stainless steel AISI 304.
A sterilization system (S.I.P)
A washing system (C.I.P.)
A stainless steel control board.
Syrup room

17, Генератор пара высокого давления
16, Автоматическая этикетировочная машина
15, Туннель для сушки бутылок
∙ TWIST FREEZER has a standard ventilation the “VOT” concept “horizontal tangential type” air flow;
∙ Low maintenance cost and low spare parts cost due to the use of high quality commercial components;
∙ Belts and drum gear motors positioned outside the insulated cabin avoiding any risks of contaminations due to some oil leakages;
Main features:
∙ Fully automatic washing system (option) with loose water;
∙ C.I.P. “Cleaning in Place” system with the possibility to use basic – acid – detergent and disinfectant solutions;
∙ PLC and touch-screen supervision system (option);
Applied in a freezer is a solution that provides to keep as much as possible the recycled air free from moisture – ice, and from product flying particles during the freezing operations. Ice is generated due to the water – moisture losses coming from the products (evaporation) and from the incoming air during the products feeding – loading. Quantity of products flying particles varies in accordance with the type of products on process. Usually ice and products flying particles are captured in the inner parts of the freezer, and mainly into the coils – evaporators.
With the increasing of ice accumulation into the coils – evaporators, the efficiency of these units will drop drastically, then usually to maintain the same efficiency – performances a higher power consumption is needed.As consequence periodically the freezer needs to be stopped for the de-frosting operation, with considerable drop page in the production with a certain increase of the operative costs.
Twist freezer

SFA concept and application will improve the following:
∙ Considerable increase of the freezing cycle and production;
∙ Minimizing the number of stoppages and defrosting cycles, with much lower operational costs;
∙ Minimizing the energy consumption needed to obtain the final results;
∙ Improvement of the final product quality, while the frozen product is almost free from the ice on it’s surface, (this is particularly appreciate for the products which are packed in a transparent packages)
SFA is a mesh wire conveyor positioned all around the coils – evaporators, and because of this is acting as continuous air filter.
It runs for the full lenght of the freezer with an outside extension to discharge the ice – and product particles out of the freezing chamber.
The mesh is continuously cleaned – blow and dry before coming back into the cabin; is possible to have also a water cleaning system in case of stronger cleaning operation, if needed (optional).
The airflow pass first through the product and then to the SFA before it reaches the evaporators. The mesh filters will capture the majorityo of the ice – frost, and product debris. The freezer therefore remains relatively free whit much longer freezing efficiency – production. As consequence the coils – evaporator surface will remain much cleaner giving better performance. With this system the stoppages due defrosting – cleaning and machine sanitation will be drastically reduced by approx. 50 – 80%, upon the type of product.
This is a Fenco’s “patented” solution.

∙ Very high mechanical (reliability) of spiral belt conveyor;
∙ Reduced belt wear and elongation thanks to low tension drive system (the belt is pulled by means of dynamic friction on the total lenght);
∙ Belt system lubrication free avoiding any possible risks of products contamination;
∙ Long work-cycles due to “symmetrical” large fins spacing design, on the air entrance, and over sizing of evaporators;
∙ Possibility to have bi-directional “clockwise and counter clock wise” air flow in the evaporators with the possibility to improve the evaporator “efficiency”, having automatically longer running cycle;
∙ TWIST FREEZER is designed as “Easy Clean” concept avoiding point of dirtiness accumulation;

17, Генератор пара высокого давления
16, Автоматическая этикетировочная машина
15, Туннель для сушки бутылок
Temperature even just with fresh water or with cool water from a Cooling Tower.
∙ TOTAL FLEXIBILITY – We can accomodate mutiple lines inside the same tower, independently or separatly.
We can play with inlet and oulet locations in order to match all your requirements in term of space and utilities positioning
∙ LOW TENSION SYSTEM – Reduced belt wear and elongation thanks to low tension drive system. The belt is pulled by means of dynamic friction on the total length. Zero stress for the belt, which can perform in all the possible conditions
∙ WATER SPRAY EFFICIENCY – Water is sprayed in different conditions with different nozzles and disposition; each configuration is tailored for each specific application in order to optimize the exchange
∙ HIGH MECHANICAL RELIABILITY – The system almost needs zero maintenance. Simple and solid, it’s designed to operate in all the possible conditions and it’s manufactured for not stopping anytime
∙ NO CONTAMINATION – No belt lubrication, all the meachnical parts and pipings are out
∙ PERFECT INSULATION – The panels insulate perfectly both the Spiral Water Coolers and Pasteurizers. The tanks underneath are painted with a special aeronautic paint which is making the total system ideally insulated and safe.
∙ Collecting tanks underneath and recycle pump positioned at the lower part of the spiral;
∙ Lateral protections in stainless steel very easy to open for washing, inspection and maintenance;
∙ Central Drum drive supported by roller bearings;
∙ “Stainless steel” or “Plastic” type flexible belt upon specific applications;
∙ Spiral’s structure made of stainless steel;
∙ HDMI PLC touch-screen with supervision system;
SERVING worldwide processors better and improving food processing technology by manufacturing a wide range of
TWP&TWC SOLUTIONS in Parma (Italy).
We are making available fully domestic made machinery and lines designed according the most modern European technology.
Spare parts and assistance available from Italy.
Twist spiral water cooler

The ideal cooling system for pouches, sachets, cups, jars and lots of other different containers
∙ SPACE SAVING – Very compact design too minimize the space occupied
∙ NO CONCRETE OR FLOORING – No need of any special flooring, neither concrete floors, nor civil work. We just need a flat floor!
∙ VERY LOW WATER CONSUMPTION – The system recirculates all the water in its own tank. Due to the temperature controls and the logic applied, using a simple Cooling Tower and/or a Chilling unit, the only water wasted is due to the heat exhange with the containers. So it’s extremely low. A pump recirculates the water through a plate heat exhanger and the flow is integrated by a 3 ways valve automatically.
∙ POWER SAVING – Our Twist Spiral Water Cooler is designed to achieve your cooling time and outlet

17, Генератор пара высокого давления
16, Автоматическая этикетировочная машина
15, Туннель для сушки бутылок
Ultrafiltration Unit (UF)

Ultrafiltration is widely used for juice clarification (e.g. apple, grape, berries or pomegranate juice). FENCO cross-flow ultrafiltration unit provides for:
• Maximum product yield and excellent juice quality
• Tubular membranes allow high solid concentrations
• Modular design and high performance
• Reliable, fully automated system
• Integrated CIP system and tank management
FENCO ultrafiltration system has been developed for the clarification and extraction of fruit juices. Due to its unique tubular membranes and the counter current cross-flow the UF unit is very efficient. The unit can handle fluids with medium to high suspended solids concentrations and is especially well suited for the filtration of colored juices (color preservation) and NFC juices (aroma protection). Each unit is customized for its specific clarification and/or extraction task. The process is very flexible. The number of filtration and cross-flow stages can be selected according to required flow rates and degree of purification. The FENCO ultra-filtration unit automatically controls the following operations:
Plant feeding;
Juice filtering with automatic control of the filtering temperature;
Transparency control of the filtered juice;
Periodical membrane rinsing, to extend the filtering cycle time;
Plant emptying at the end of the operation;
Plant washing;
Automatic starting.